Médaille d'argent dans la sous-catégorie « En dehors du Maghreb »
Italy has been slow to apply lessons from its own experience of emigration to the potential benefit of its recently settled immigrant people who suffer multiple forms of social exclusion and have been subject to mounting acts of racism. Bangladeshi migrants are combining home and jobs in a wider scale system which involves all of the eastern sector of the City of Rome. With 140,000 residents, Italy has the second largest Bangladeshi community in Europe after Britain. A series of hardline measures, will abolish key forms of protection for migrants and make it easier for them to be deported. These could have a dramatic impact on the lives of tens of thousands already in the country. The ultimate aim is to have no refugees at all in Italy through a combination of efforts: closure of seaports, criminalising migrant rescue NGOs, enhancing collaboration with the coastguard. With this decree, they also target those who are already in Italy, or who may come in future and not get any kind of protection.