Médaille d'argent dans la sous-catégorie « Graphisme »
Dear all,
I hope you're fine
Here information on my work
A mirror that comes from Morocco where i was during several days in 1999 for an art seminary for the job i had at this time
I took the photo in 2021 for your competition
It is one from a series of the same name
When i see this mirror, I have realized that so many tragedies and joys too have happened in my life since 1999 above all in 2000 where a huge turning point in my life has happened
So this mirror like in a in fairy tales, i could have asked to it what will be my future when i bought it...
I see all my life from 1999 to 2021 in this mirror
The mirror has a form of door
A door like from past to future and now
Taken with Canon
50 mm
Worked to on computer for atmosphere with filters, lights, contrast, blurred effects and so on....
I wanted something oriental, mysterious, oniric, nostalgic, and melancholic too...
@Anne Sophie Le Penru
Be fine and safe
Warm greetings