Médaille d'argent dans la sous-catégorie « Essai Photographique »
The discovery of plomb in the area around Mibladen has coincided with the colonization of the country by the French. It is said that Midelt was the second city to have electricity, after Casablanca. From the mid 50s until the closure of the mines, in 1975, the area had met unprecedented activity. Almost 30000 workers from other cities of the country flocked to the area. The mines were working 24 hours a day. For the next 25 years and after the regime in Morocco has changed, the mines were controlled from the same french company. When the resources were almost ended the company left. The workers abandoned the villages that were desolated. Today almost 400 people live in Mibladen. They are often visited by entrepreneurs from Midelt and european countries to buy minerals, fossils and metals in order to sell them in Europe. Most of the people are dependent from the “leftovers”. One of them is Mohamed. He learned the job from his father when he was 10 years old and since then he digs the mountain by hand, searching for plomb, copper, minerals and fossils. Mohamed explains that in a year he could dig 20 km. “If you find something you live, if not...”.